Host: Pamela Zave


Monday 6 May

  • Peter Müller, Verified Secure Routing
  • Michael Butler, Incremental Analysis and Verification for Critical System Design
  • Ruzica Piskac, Expressive and Scalable Privacy-Preserving Automated Reasoning
  • Daniel Jackson, Software & Innovation

Tuesday 7 May

  • Manfred Broy, Abstraction in Concurrent Systems: Beyond Monotonicity, Towards a Modular Development
  • Ernie Cohen, A Methodology for Building and Verifying Distributed Systems With A Minimal Trusted Computing Base
  • Serdar Tasiran, My Experiences in (the) Amazon
  • Mae Milano, A Flexible Type System for Fearless Concurrency
  • Mark Santolucito, Reactive Program Synthesis Modulo LLM Code Generation
  • Peter Höfner, Verification of Liveness Properties - The Forgotten and Missing Piece?

Wednesday 8 May

  • Mark Utting, BASIL: Binary Analysis for Secure Information Flow Logics [on Concurrent Code]
  • Joshua M. Cohen, Towards a Verified Intermediate Verification Language
  • Shaowei Zhu, Monotone Program Analysis

Thursday 9

  • Rustan Leino, Encoding partial functions into total logic
  • Sebastian Wolff, Embedding Hindsight Reasoning in Separation Logic
  • Thomas Wies, Conditional Atomicity Reduction
  • Thomas Wies, Raven: A deductive verifier for concurrent separation logic
  • Lennart Beringer, Objects, subtyping, and VST
  • Members' Meeting

Friday 10 May

  • Patrick Cousot, A Logic for Parallel Programs</li> </ul>